Partner City Cannes

It is not by chance that the city of Cannes and the 7th art are nowadays inseparable. This is the result of a fertile and long-lasting common evolution. Our city has grown with it and notably thanks to this art which allows to imagine, to create and to broadcast films of any possible kind and origin. Cannes is a perfect soil for the cultivation of film productions.
It is therefore only natural to watch festivals and ceremonies, each in their own way, celebrate the expression of film. The Corporate film industry represents a remarkable manifestation of this expression, with its propensity to create cohesion, emulsion and teamwork. This is the reason why I am proud to welcome and to present, here in Cannes, the 7th edition of an event which is honouring and paying homage to exactly this genre, the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards.
“There are a thousand ways of telling the same story, but the talent is to make people feel each time, that it is exactly this way that it had to be told.” explained Steven Spielberg in connection with the diversity of filmmaking. No matter the declinations, the duration and the format, which are celebrated on the occasion of this ceremony, it is also the talent and the work of the director that makes a film special.
David Lisnard
Mayor of Cannes
Vice-president of the Alpes-Maritimes Department

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